Post-Election Mindfulness and Debrief

After the election, it’s important to process your feelings and maintain your mental well-being. Here are some mindfulness practices to help you stay grounded:

  • Reflection: Take time to journal about your feelings and experiences during the election season.

  • Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of your life by listing things you’re grateful for each day.

  • Connect with Community: Engage in conversations with other moms in our community. Sharing your thoughts and listening to others can foster a sense of solidarity and support.

  • Set Intentions for the Future: Think about what you want to achieve moving forward, whether it’s personal growth, community involvement, or family goals. Take care of you!!!

  • It' is ok to be not ok : As moms I know it’s hard to unmask at times especially when we have so much to balance and tiny people that need us. But..sometimes it is ok to just not be ok. Sometimes sitting in our moment can help to just feel all the feels that you may have. Cry, Laugh, Scream its ok to feel the way you feel.

Makeda Greene

Originally hailing from Trinidad and Tobago and raised in Brooklyn, NY cultural identity, heritage, ethnicity and acculturation have been the epicenter of my existence. Exposed to diversity of the vibrant, vivacious Caribbean community in Flatbush, Brooklyn it inspired me with writing, research and everything but defines me as a West Indian.

The root of everything that is essentially me are held within the history and heritage that I am deeply proud of making me -ME - CHIC HERITAGE CULTURE SOUL

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Thanksgiving!


🌿 Managing Election Anxiety