Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I want to pause and express my heartfelt gratitude for each of you. Being part of Black Mom Society means building a powerful community of resilient, compassionate, and inspiring women. Together, we uplift and support each other, and that’s something to truly celebrate.

Affirmation for Today

"I embrace the abundance of love, rest, and gratitude in my life today."

Let this affirmation guide you as you soak in the beauty of this holiday.

Thank you for being part of the Black Mom Society family. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with love, reflection, and peace.

With gratitude,
Founder, Black Mom Society

Makeda Greene

Originally hailing from Trinidad and Tobago and raised in Brooklyn, NY cultural identity, heritage, ethnicity and acculturation have been the epicenter of my existence. Exposed to diversity of the vibrant, vivacious Caribbean community in Flatbush, Brooklyn it inspired me with writing, research and everything but defines me as a West Indian.

The root of everything that is essentially me are held within the history and heritage that I am deeply proud of making me -ME - CHIC HERITAGE CULTURE SOUL

Thanks for stopping by!


Post-Election Mindfulness and Debrief