A Mom that is comfortable with change affords herself flexibility

The most important change that we need to be comfortable with is the grace for our own personal flexibility. As working moms we need to be kinder to ourselves, nurture our mindset and be proud of the daily accomplishments we make!

Some of the lessons I have learned (and continue to learn) include:

1.It is ok to say no

2.It is ok to shift some of the task list to tomorrow (or the next day).

3.It is ok to not be ok

4.It is ok to ask for help

What has your flexibility afforded you with?

Makeda Greene

Originally hailing from Trinidad and Tobago and raised in Brooklyn, NY cultural identity, heritage, ethnicity and acculturation have been the epicenter of my existence. Exposed to diversity of the vibrant, vivacious Caribbean community in Flatbush, Brooklyn it inspired me with writing, research and everything but defines me as a West Indian.

The root of everything that is essentially me are held within the history and heritage that I am deeply proud of making me -ME - CHIC HERITAGE CULTURE SOUL

Thanks for stopping by!


(Re) establishing family routines with goal setting


Motherhood Unplugged: Black Moms and the WorkPlace