Happy holidays and a prosperous 2024!

Dear BMS Family,
I hope this message finds you well and that you are enjoying a joyful holiday season surrounded by loved ones. With the end of 2023 fast approaching, I wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your unwavering commitment, dedication, positive energy, and love for BMS has truly made a difference in our movement.
BMS is an emerging mom movement that is deeply rooted in the visibility and empowerment of us. Without your support, we would not have been able to accomplish all that we have this year. It is because of you that we have been able to uplift, inspire, and expand our community.
As we prepare for the new year, we want you to know that we are working diligently to make 2024 even more intentional and impactful. We are excited to bring you new guests, forge partnerships that will further our cause, release engaging podcast episodes, and offer online courses that will continue to motivate and empower our moms.
We understand that great things take time, and we thank you for your patience as we strive to create a purposeful movement that caters to the needs and aspirations of black moms. Your support and understanding mean the world to us.
In the meantime, we hope and pray that you continue to enjoy a safe and joyful holiday season. May the new year bring you even more happiness, success, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life. We are looking forward to embarking on this journey together, and we can't wait to see what 2024 has in store for all of us.
Thank you once again for being an integral part of the BMS family. Your love, support, and energy continue to inspire us every single day. We are truly grateful for each and every one of you.
See you in 2024!
With warmest regards,

Makeda Greene

Originally hailing from Trinidad and Tobago and raised in Brooklyn, NY cultural identity, heritage, ethnicity and acculturation have been the epicenter of my existence. Exposed to diversity of the vibrant, vivacious Caribbean community in Flatbush, Brooklyn it inspired me with writing, research and everything but defines me as a West Indian.

The root of everything that is essentially me are held within the history and heritage that I am deeply proud of making me -ME - CHIC HERITAGE CULTURE SOUL

Thanks for stopping by!


WElcome March
